This Rooms To Go credit card review discloses all the advantages and drawbacks of this credit card from Synchrony Bank. In particular, you may learn about the card’s fees, interest rate, features and benefits, as well as recommended credit score. Additionally, you can find out how to apply for this credit card or make a payment on it. At the end of this page, you can leave your review of this card.

Rooms To Go Credit Card Review

Rooms To Go Credit Card Review

Annual fee: $0

Purchase APR: 29.99% variable

Late payment fee: $15

Returned payment fee: $25

Recommended credit score: from 650 to 850


Who may get this credit card: customers who need to free financing for purchases at Rooms To Go

Credit card features:

  • 60-month special financing period on purchases of $999.99 and more
  • Deferred interest on purchases for up to 6 months
  • Manage your card account and pay your bills online.

Actually, this Rooms To Go card is another store branded credit card, issued by Synchrony Bank, one of the largest credit card issuers in the United States. However, does it make sense for regular Rooms To Go customers to get this card? Well, you can see what is card is worth in detail in the Room To Go credit card review right below.

First of all, one has to mention that, in regards to everything, this is a typical store branded credit card. In the first place, this means that you can use this credit card only at the Rooms To Go stores. Secondly, it comes with a zero annual fee and low credit score requirements, which is rather good. However, the interest rate is extremely punishing and reaches 29.99%, which is too high even for subprime credit cards.

Unfortunately, this credit card doesn’t offer any rewards or anything similar. Nonetheless, it makes sense getting this card from Room To Go if you are going to make large purchases and would like to take advantage of special financing. Firstly, the credit card offers deferred interest on purchases for up to 6 months, which means that you won’t pay any interest if you pay in full during the first 6 months after a purchase.

Another thing that is quite appealing to the customers is a special financing period for up to 60 months on qualifying purchases. Basically, your purchases must be worth $999.99 or more, and this financing option is a subject to a credit approval. However, you may get financing with little or no interest for up to 5 years, which seems like an utterly convenient option for some families.

Overall, the credit card is worth applying for only if you would like to take advantage of a special financing period or free financing for up to 6 months. Otherwise, this credit card has nothing else to offer. So, if you are looking for rewards or benefits other than financing, its better to look for other credit cards (see below).

Apply for Rooms To Go Credit Card

So, if, after reading our Rooms To Go credit card review, you think that you need this card, you may consider submitting an online application. This is how you can apply for this credit card from Rooms To Go step by step:

  • At first, you should open the application page of Synchrony Bank by clicking on the following button:


  • Next, you will get to see an application form on that page. So, start filling out that form in order to apply for this credit card.

Rooms To Go store card

  • At first, you should provide the following info: the initial purchase amount if you know it, first and last name, your address, phone number, email address, social security number, date of birth, and monthly net income.
  • Additionally, you may choose to submit a joint application with someone else, possibly with a higher credit score (so your chances of being approved will be higher). If you wish to do so, then you should check the box near “Add a joint applicant” and provide all necessary information on that matter. Once you are done with all that, you should click on the “Continue” button in order to proceed further.
  • On the next page, select your options (such as designs) of the credit card. After you are all set, click on “Continue.”

Apply for Rooms To Go credit card

  • Following it, you will get to read the terms and conditions of your agreement. Make sure that you carefully read this information. At the end, check the boxes near the fields at the bottom and, after that, click on the “Continue” button.
  • Immediately after that, you will see the result of your application: whether you are approved or not. In rare cases, it may take some time for the bank to consider your application.

Rooms To Go Credit Card Login

If you already have this card and signed up for online access, this means that you can manage your credit card account online. But for that purpose, however, you should sign in to your card account. This is how you can make a Rooms To Go credit card login step by step:

  • In the first place, you should start the entire process by clicking on this button:


  • On that webpage, you have to click on the “YOUR ACCOUNT” text button in the right-upper corner.

Rooms To Go credit card login

  • So, that action will trigger a pop-up window on that page. There, you will get to see the Rooms To Go credit card login form – that’s the place where you can sign in to your card account online.

Rooms To Go credit card payment

  • At first, you should type the username of your online account in the first field of that form.

Rooms To Go store card required credit score

  • After that, you have to enter your password in the next field.

Best credit cards from Synchrony Bank

  • Besides, you may also check the box near “Remember User Name” – this will allow you to save your username for future sessions.

Financing at Rooms To Go

  • At the end, you can finalize the entire login process by clicking on the “Secure Log In” button. In a moment, you will access your credit card online.

Rooms To Go Credit Card Payment

As of the present time, there are four common ways how you can pay your Rooms To Go card with ease: online, in store, by phone and by mail. Here, we will explore how to pay your card in each of these ways in detail.

Indeed, the quickest and easiest way to pay your Rooms To Go card is to do so online. In order to do that, you should stick to the instructions from the “Login” section and sign in to your credit card account online. Right after that, you will be able to pay your card online.

Another convenient way to pay your card is to do so in store. For that purpose, you have to visit the nearest Rooms To Go store and make a payment on your credit card at the cash desk.

Besides, you may also make a payment by phone call. For that, you should call 855-875-1850 and tell the operator that you want to pay your card. Then, follow the instructions and make a payment. Nonetheless, keep in mind that you might be charged a fee for this service.

After all, you are always able to mail your credit card payment. So, you can mail your payment to the following address (though, we recommend you to double-check it on the website of Synchrony Bank):

Synchrony Bank

P.O. Box 960061

Orlando, FL 32896-0061.

Credit Card Alternatives

If, however, you are seeking for credit cards with other benefits than what this Rooms To Go card offers, here you can view a number of decent alternatives.

Discover It Cash Back Credit Card

Discover It Cash Back Credit Card

Annual fee: $0

Purchase APR: from 13.49% to 24.49% variable

Balance Transfer APR: from 13.49% to 24.49% variable

Recommended credit score: from 690 to 850


Credit card features:

  • No foreign transaction fee
  • Earn 5% cash back on category purchases for up to $1,500 per quarter
  • Receive unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases
  • 0% intro purchase and balance transfer APR during the first 14 months
  • Your rewards do not expire as long as your account remains open, and you can redeem them at any time.


Discover It Secured Credit Card

Discover It Secured Credit Card

Annual fee: $0

Purchase APR: 24.49% variable

Balance Transfer APR: 24.49%

Recommended credit score: from 350 to 850


Credit card features:

  • Refundable security deposit
  • 99% intro APR period on balance transfers during the first 6 months
  • Earn 2% cash back at gas stations and restaurants for up to $1,000 per quarter
  • Earn unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases
  • No late fee on first late payment
  • Receive free FICO score updates
  • Automatic monthly reviews of account upgrade after 8 months.


Capital One QuicksilverOne

Capital One QuicksilverOne

Annual fee: $39

Purchase APR: 24.99%

Balance Transfer APR: 24.99%

Recommended credit score: from 620 to 850


Credit card features:

  • You can pre-qualify for this credit card, with no impact to your credit score
  • Receive 1.5% cash back on all your purchases
  • Cash back rewards do not expire as long as your account remains open
  • No foreign transaction fee
  • Get an increase of credit limit after paying your card 5 times in a row on time.



Q: What is a Rooms To Go credit card?

So, this Rooms To Go card appears to be a store credit card, designed and issued by Synchrony Bank. At the present time, it makes sense to get this credit card only if you need to get financing for purchases at Rooms To Go.

Q: Who issues Rooms To Go credit card?

As we have already pointed this out above, Synchrony Bank issues credit cards for Rooms To Go.

Q: How does the Rooms To Go credit card work?

First of all, this credit card from Rooms To Go comes with a deferred interest for up to 6 months after a purchase. So, you may make a purchase at Rooms To Go and pay it off within those 6 months.

Otherwise, you may make a qualifying purchase of $999.99 or more and apply for a special financing period of up to 60 months. Keep in mind, however, that this special financial period is a subject to approval.

Q: Where else can I use my Rooms To Go credit card?

Considering that this credit card is not a part of a larger network (such as Visa or MasterCard), it is natural that you can use this credit card only in Rooms To Go stores.

Q: Who accepts Rooms To Go credit card?

As you can read above, only Rooms To Go stores accept this credit card.

Q: What credit score do you need for Rooms To Go card?

So, it is recommended to have a credit score between 650 and 850 before you apply for this card. However, there have been reports that people with the score as low as 600s were accepted, too.


Q: How hard is it to get a Rooms To Go credit card?

As you may read above, you need to have a fair credit in order to get this credit card. So, one may surely say that it is not hard at all to get this credit card.


Q: How to pay Rooms To Go credit card?

At the present time, there are four ways how you can pay your Rooms To Go card: in store, online, by phone call, and by mail. In order to see how to do it in detail, please refer to the “Payment” section above.

Q: How to pay Rooms To Go credit card online?

If you wish to pay your Rooms To Go card online, you should follow our instructions from the “Login” part of this page and sign in to your card account. After doing that, you will be able to pay your card right there.

Q: How to close Rooms To Go credit card?

In order to cancel your Rooms To Go store card, you should call 1-866-396-8254. Then, just express your wish to close your credit card and follow instructions from the operator.

Additionally, you may also discover the details about the Dicks Sporting Goods credit card, another credit card from Synchrony Bank.