The Wawa credit card may seem like a good option for those customers who frequently purchase gas at Wawa gas stations. Considering that the card comes without an annual fee, that sounds like a great deal. But our Wawa credit card review will help you learn about the features, advantages, and flip sides of this card.
Wawa Credit Card Review
Annual fee: $0.
Purchase APR: 26.99% variable.
Recommended credit score: from 630 to 850.
Most suitable for: customers who frequently buy gas at Wawa gas stations.
When it comes to selecting a gas credit card, the customers who tend to drive in Wawa shops may fall for a credit card from Wawa. And while the credit card from Wawa seems to promise pretty worthwhile benefits, there are numerous limitations that diminish the use of this credit card. But let’s have a look at this card in detail.
In the first place, this credit card naturally comes without an annual fee. But even though there is no annual fee, the card features a high interest rate – this is something normal among store branded credit cards. Besides, if you are charged an interest rate, the charges will be no smaller than $2. Watch out the late payment fee – it may be up to $38.
When it comes to the card’s features and bonuses, they may seem quite generous at first sight. First and foremost, you will get a 25 cents rebate on every gallon during the first 60 days. That roughly leaves you with a 10% cash back rate during that period. Once those two months pass, you will receive a 5 cents rebate for every purchased gallon, which is equal to 2% cash back.
And while that rewards offer may seem as quite lucrative, there is a flip side of the coin. Unfortunately, the rewards you can get with this credit card are limited to $60 per year. Moreover, you cannot exceed 100 rebates in a billing period (i.e. a month). But even if you try to get the maximum during the first two months, you will almost immediately reach the rewards limit (as you will get $50 in rebates).
Moreover, it is also worth to point out that the card seems not that competitive after the expiration of the intro 2-month period. You will get cash back of only 2% solely on gas purchases – that’s same what Citi Double Cash offers. The difference is only the card from Citi Bank offers 2% cash back on all purchases. Considering that the Wawa credit card is not connected to a major network (like Visa or MasterCard), you shouldn’t expect to be able to use it elsewhere than Wawa stores.
Indeed, Wawa offers you an ability to manage your account online or keep a track of your gas purchases separately. However, these are the features that cannot surprise anyone. And despite this card seems to be quite a good offer at a first glance, a thorough analysis shows that the card is not as beneficial as it might have seemed.
Wawa Credit Card Login
If you have got a credit card from Wawa, you can sign up for online banking from Citi Bank and start using your Wawa card online. At this point of our Wawa credit card review, we will simply show you how to log in to your credit card account.
- You can start the entire login process by clicking on this button and accessing the Wawa card page:
- Right after that, you will get to see the website for Wawa cards. On the left side of that page, you will get to see the online banking form – that’s the place where you can complete the Wawa credit card login process.
- Start filling out that login form. At first, you need to type the username of your credit card account in the first field.
- The next step of yours must be to type the password in the following field.
- You are also able to check the box near “Remember My User ID” under the “Username” field. That will allow you to save your username for future sessions.
- At the end, you should finish the process by clicking on the “Sign On” button.
- If you have completed everything correctly, you will access your account in a second. Following it, you will be able to do any transactions you want.
Wawa Credit Card Payment
Actually, there are several ways how you can pay your credit card from Wawa. At this point of our Wawa credit card review, we will disclose all the methods of paying your card. So, those two methods include paying your Wawa card:
- By phone
- Through online banking.
If you wish to pay your Wawa card through a phone call, you should call to 1-855-207-9816 (from 9 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.). In case you wish to pay your credit card online, then you should follow the guidelines from the previous section and access your credit card account online. From that page, you will be able to pay your credit card online.
Apply for Wawa Credit Card
In case you haven’t got a credit card from Wawa yet, you can apply for it in a matter of minutes. The entire application process can be completed online. That means that you won’t spend a lot of time on submitting your application. This part of our Wawa credit card review will simply demonstrate how to submit your online application for this card.
- You are able to apply for a Wawa card by clicking on this button and accessing its webpage:
- On the page that you have just got to see, you will notice the huge “Apply Now” button – give it a click.
- Right after that, you will be redirected to the webpage of Citi Bank. At that point, you will get to see the application form.
- Start filling out the application form. At first, enter your first and last name.
- Then, provide your email address, phone number, address, financial information, social security number, and date of birth.
- Once you have filled these fields, scroll down and get to see the terms of using this credit card. Read the agreement and the terms of use.
- If you agree with the terms of use, scroll down till the bottom of the page. At that point, you must check the boxes near the “I have read and agree”” and “I agree to receive…” lines.
- At the end, you should click on the “Submit Application” button.
- In a moment, you will get to see the page with a result of your application. If there is no result on that page, it means that the bank needs some time to process your application.
Wawa Credit Card Alternatives
Indeed, the credit card from Wawa is not as bad as some other store branded credit cards. Yet, there are plenty of decent credit card options on the market, which may bring you more benefits and rewards. This part of our review simply compares this credit card with some other options on the market.
Wawa Credit Card vs Chase Freedom
Chase Freedom is one of the top cash back credit cards on the market. And even though it has little mutual with this credit card from Wawa, you should definitely look at this card if your credit score allows you to get it. There are plenty of reasons to apply for the Chase Freedom card instead of the card from Wawa.
So, the Wawa card offers 25 cents off every gallon of gas during the first 2 months, which is roughly equal to 10% cash back. Yet, those rewards are limited to $60 per year, and you will enjoy that rebate only during the first 2 months. Then, it will be dropped to 5 cents off each gallon, which is about 2% cash back.
On the other hand, Chase Freedom offers 5% cash back on categories for the first $1,500 spent every quarter. You can select new categories every quarter. It won’t be something surprising to say that the gas and grocery categories are frequently featured there. 5% cash back from $1,500 spent in a year is equal to $75, which is already more than the Wawa card can offer in a year.
But there are plenty of other advantages, too. You can select several categories, not only one (though, the $1,500 limit is applied to all the categories in a quarter). Apart from that, you will earn 1% cash back on all other purchases. To compare it with the Wawa card, you will receive nothing if you pay with it in Wawa stores. Obviously, Chase Freedom is far more profitable in this case.
Other advantages of the Chase Freedom card are quite decent too. For instance, you will immediately earn the $150 welcome bonus after spending just $500 within the first 3 months – there is nothing that matches this feature from the Wawa card. Additionally, you will get an intro APR period on both balance transfers and purchases that will last up to 15 months.
The only obstacle that might appear is the credit score, which has to be at least good for the Freedom Chase card. But even if your credit score is not enough for getting this card from the Chase Bank, we recommend you to have a look at the secured credit card from Discover – its bonuses may be far more lucrative than what the Wawa card offers.
Q: What is a Wawa credit card?
Citi Bank and Wawa have come up with a credit card, which one may use only at Wawa stores. Basically, that’s a credit card created solely for the Wawa’s clients and it offers certain bonuses and rewards.
Q: Who backs Wawa credit card?
As we mentioned in the previous answer, Citi Bank issues Wawa credit cards.
Q: What are the advantages of a Wawa credit card?
Basically, there are only a few advantages. We would rather point out high rebates on gas purchases. If you frequently purchase gas at Wawa stations, you may consider applying for this credit card.
Q: What is the minimum credit score for a Wawa credit card?
As we have mentioned in our Wawa credit card review, your minimum credit score has to be at least 630 or fair. But you will have significantly higher chances of getting approved if you have a credit score of over 700.
Q: How old do you need to be to get a Wawa credit card?
In order to be eligible for a credit card from Wawa, you must be at least 18 years old and a citizen of the United States.
Q: How hard is it to get a Wawa credit card?
As we have mentioned, even customers with fair credit can apply for this card. This means that it doesn’t tend to be so difficult to get this credit card from Wawa.
Q: Where can you get Wawa credit card?
You can get a credit card from Wawa by submitting an online application form (you can see how to do it in the section of this review above). Following it, you will receive your card in the mail.
Q: How to get a Wawa credit card?
As we have pointed out in the answer to the previous question, you need to submit an online application form on the Citi Bank’s website. If you will be approved for the card, you will receive it in your mail.
Q: How to apply for Wawa credit card?
As a matter of fact, the entire application process is quite simple and straightforward. You can complete solely online, and the previous section of our review shows how to do it step by step.
Q: How to track progress of Wawa credit card application?
If you want to find out the status of your application, you should call to this phone number: 1-855-207-9816.
Q: How long does it take to get my Wawa credit card in the mail?
From the moment of submitting your application till to getting the card in the mail, it may take anywhere from a few days till a few weeks.
Q: Where can I use my Wawa credit card?
The credit cards from Wawa do not tend to be connected to any network, such as Visa or MasterCard. That means that you are not able to use your Wawa card elsewhere.
Q: What can you use the Wawa credit card for?
You can use your Wawa credit card on purchases only at Wawa stores. At the stores of Wawa, however, you can buy whatever you want.
Q: What can I buy with my Wawa credit card?
You can make any purchases you want, but only at Wawa stores.
Q: Where can I use my Wawa credit card for fuel?
As we have mentioned in a number of answers above, you can use your Wawa card only at Wawa stores. Therefore, you are able buy fuel only at Wawa gas stations.
Q: What is the APR on Wawa credit card?
As you could find in our Wawa credit card review, the interest rate on this credit card is staggering. It is fixed at the level of 26.99%.
Q: How to access Wawa credit card?
Actually, the “Login” section of our Wawa credit card review shows instructions on how to log in to your credit card account. Thus, you should follow the instructions from that part of the review.
Q: How to activate Wawa credit card?
You are able to activate your Wawa card on the “Login” page: But instead of logging in to your credit card account, you need to click on the “Register your card” button. Then, you should just follow the guidelines and activate your Wawa card.
Q: How to cancel Wawa credit card?
If you want to close your Wawa card, you should call to this phone number: 1-855-207-9816.